Westerman Foundation Grant Application Instructions
Before you start the application process, it is very important that you review the following instructions and guidelines carefully to ensure your application is successfully submitted and processed.
Step 1:
Does your organization qualify for a Westerman Grant? If you can answer ‘yes’ to all of the following questions, your organization may be eligible.
Is your organization an IRS-registered, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organization?
Is your organization based in the United States and provide program services in the United States?
Is your request for general operating or program support rather than an individual?
Does your project or program fall under one or more of our program area Funding Priorities including: (Catholic Education Assistance, Family Strengthening, Academic Enrichment, and/or Community/Youth Empowerment and Support)?
Please read Funding Priorities carefully to determine if your organization’s programs or projects meet our funding criteria. Eligible organizations, including current grantees requesting a new grant, will need to begin the application process by submitting a proposal through our online application system.
Step 2:
Gather all required information and documentation:
You will need the following required information and documentation in order to complete and submit your online application. If you are missing any of this information, your application will not be submitted for review:
About Your Organization:
IRS (c)(3) Number
Total income for your most recent Fiscal Year
How long your organization been in existence
Total number of board members, and board member names and titles
Total number of paid staff
No. of volunteers
Organization Description
Mission Statement (2-3 sentences)
Brief description of your organization (please keep to no more than 3 sentences)
Population Served (brief description - include no. of people served, age groups, race & ethnicity)
About the Request
Purpose of Funding Request - Briefly state how this grant will be used. (no more than 500 words)
Amount Requested ($)
Total proposed budget for this program / project for which this grant is sought
Your plan for evaluating the success of the program or project. (No more than 100 words)
Approximate number of people served
Time period covered by grant (up to one year)
Any other funding? If "yes", please provide the source(s) and amount(s) below for funding in excess of $5,000
Required Attachments
Detailed project budget
501(c)(3) IRS letter of determination that will provide us with verification of your organization's current tax exempt status
Page 1 only of 990 Form (or, the latest fiscal year audited financial statement if 990 is not available)
Westerman Grantee Report (if previously funded by the Westerman Foundation)
Step 3:
Review grant deadlines and next steps.
All applications must be submitted online via the grant application portal by Friday, July 26, 2019, 5pm EST. You should receive an automated confirmation of receipt of the grant request via email within 24 hours of online submission. This email will be sent to the email address used to create the account.
The Board will meet in the Fall of 2019 to review all grant applications and make funding recommendations. A notice of grant approval or non-selection will be sent via email no later than November 30, 2019. All grant award checks will be distributed by December 31, 2019 via US mail.
If you do not receive an award notification by November 30, 2019, contact Valerie Goddard, Board Executive Officer, at
As a reminder, applications for the following are not accepted by the Westerman Foundation:
Multi-year funding requests
Handwritten applications
Requests for salaries
Annual fundraising campaigns
Professional conferences and/or symposia
Competition expenses
Politically-oriented entities
Motor vehicles
Individual scholarships
Capital campaigns
Construction of new buildings
Proposals not consistent with our mission
Please also note, the Foundation does not fund:
Organizations that do not have 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status with the IRS
Private Foundations
If you have all of your information and documentation ready to go, you are now ready to get started!