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The Foundation only reviews grant proposals from organizations invited to submit a full funding request. Following an invitation from staff, applicants will receive instructions on how to access our online application portal and submit proposals and supporting documents digitally.


The Foundation has finalized its Funding Plan for this years grant cycle and has deemed it vitally important to refocus its efforts on key areas of the Foundation’s mission. These three new areas for the funding cycle are (1) Women’s Empowerment, (2) Family Resilience, (3) Enhanced Educational Support for Students with Diverse Learning Styles, and (4) Catholic Education. 


All grant invitations have been sent to schools and organizations. We encourage all eligible parties to apply and take advantage of this opportunity. The deadline to submit applications is September 25th, 2024.

​​Funding Priorities

Be certain that you understand the Mission and Giving Priorities of The Westerman Foundation.  ​Your application must be connected to the purposes of The Westerman Foundation in order to qualify for consideration of your grant proposal.

The Westerman Foundation supports IRS-registered, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organizations. These organizations must be based in the United States and provide program services in the United States.

The maximum award annually is limited to $50,000. In alignment with our mission, grant awards support Catholic education and Catholic nonprofit organizations.


Funding Restrictions
Though your organization may fit in one of our four program areas, there are restrictions to the Foundation's giving. Read about the funding restrictions before applying.

​In general, the Foundation does not fund grants for the following purposes:


  • Multi-year funding requests

  • Handwritten applications

  • Requests for salaries

  • Annual fundraising campaigns

  • Professional conferences and/or symposia

  • Competition expenses

  • Politically-oriented entities

  • Motor vehicles

  • Individual scholarships

  • Capital campaigns

  • Construction of new buildings

  • Proposals not consistent with our mission

Please also note, the Foundation does not fund:

  • Organizations that do not have 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status with the IRS

  • Private Foundations

  • Individuals

Grant Recipient Guidelines

The Westerman Foundation awards grants annually to organizations and programs that are in alignment with the mission of the Foundation. To assist the foundation in evaluating the impact of these grant awards, the Foundation has implemented the following grant award recipient guidelines:


  • Submission of requested agency/program financial records that document the grant award expenditures.

  • Provide acknowledgment of the Westerman Foundation Grant award in organization and program communications.

  • Provide a written report to the Westerman Foundation that outlines grant program accomplishments, client outcomes, and significant milestones.

  • Submit an email request to the Foundation for approval of major revisions to the Board approved grant program or program budget.

  • Share program and client success stories as requested.



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