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2021 Westerman Foundation Grant Funding Update
April 28, 2021
Dear Faithful Community Servants,

The Westerman Foundation recognizes your faithful and committed service during these most challenging times. Providing quality Catholic education and vital community services has been a daunting task in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic. Communities have been devastated due to the public health crisis and the economic impact of this crisis has left many families concerned about their ability to meet their basic needs.

The Westerman Foundation Leadership and Board responded to this crisis last year by reevaluating our 2020 funding cycle and made the determination to support the agencies and communities in which we have been invested. As a result, our Board took action and unrestricted the FY 2019 and FY 2020 grant funding in order to allow agencies to use their grant funds in the manner that they felt was needed. Additionally, we presented donor-designated grant awards in 2020 to organizations we have served previously that have a proven track record of mobilizing services and demonstrating community impact in an effective and efficient manner.

The Foundation is finalizing the details of the 2021 Funding Plan and we have determined that we will not have an open grant application process this year. Therefore, we will not be accepting any unsolicited grant applications or any funding proposals at this time.

We thank you for your committed service to children and families in communities throughout the United States. We will continue to pray for you and your organizations, and for the safety and well-being of our nation.

On Mission Together,

Valerie H. Goddard
Executive Director
The Westerman Foundation

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