The Westerman Foundation Response to COVID-19
April 21, 2020
The Westerman Foundation's mission is to provide funding to non-profit organizations that serve those most in need and to provide education and support services in a manner that is in alignment with our values. The Westerman Foundation is uniquely positioned, like other foundations, to respond with compassion and intentionality to help those who are in greatest need. Therefore, we thought it was important to share this important COVID-19 update with you.
Our Commitment to COVID-19 Support
The Westerman Foundation is very concerned about the impact of COVID-19 and the devastation being felt by families and organizations across the world. In response to COVID-19, the Foundation is working swiftly to evaluate and implement strategies to provide immediate food, support services, and other critical resources to non-profit organizations serving communities most in need.
The Westerman Foundation Partner Agency Support
The Westerman Foundation is committed to its relationship with its partner agencies. Through annual grant awards to these organizations, we are able to carry out the mission of the Foundation. The Foundation Board is currently evaluating ways in which to provide flexibility to our funded agencies so that agencies can determine how best to allocate their grant funds to meet essential needs.
The Westerman Foundation 2020 Funding Plan
The Westerman Foundation is reevaluating the 2020 grant cycle, funding priorities, and related application processes, in order to ensure that funds are distributed in the most meaningful and impactful ways to meet your organization’s critical needs. We will send an email communication soon and post information on our website regarding the updated 2020 Westerman Foundation Grant Award Cycle and Funding Guidelines.
Investing In Our Communities Together
We are grateful for each of you and appreciate your interest in funding from The Westerman Foundation. We are truly all in this together! We are committed to working with you to compassionately provide resources and relief to communities across America. We ask that as we partner in this endeavor to serve our communities, that you join us as we pray for those impacted by this pandemic and lift up heartfelt prayers of protection and gratitude to all of the brave front-line workers who are risking their lives to keep us safe.
Safety First!
All of you and your organizations are an essential part of the fabric of your community. We hope that you are well and remain safe and protected as we all practice physical distancing and follow CDC guidelines to protect the health and well being of everyone in our communities.
On behalf of everyone at The Westerman Foundation, we wish you, your family, loved ones, and community continued health and safety.
Valerie H. Goddard
Executive Director
The Westerman Foundation